

Oh my… I’m truly obsessed with BBC drama Sherlock now. I watched it on the tv this afternoon and couldn’t stop finding videos of it on youtube. This is just crazy!

Anyway, saw this on tumblr and it brought a smile to my face.

Don’t laugh.

I think you would have been excited as I am if you watched the show.

The first episode of season 2 was so brillant. Just thinking about it send chills to my body. I think they did a really great job with the music.

The music is so sad and emotional.

Shit, I am definitely Sherlocked. Can’t wait for season 3. Come on, start shooting already!

And this made me laughed so hard.


Nat King Cole.

Tonight is all about Nat King Cole.

I forgot how good his voice was! So clean and low.

When I Fall in Love

I love how he just go right into the song.


 The Very Thought of You.

One of these days I’m going to buy a real good stereo to play his songs. It’s just going to be real awesome!

Blissful night.

Hi guys, guess where I am right now!


I had a very hard day at work today. Was driving around Singapore buying stuff and going back to our office to clean up the place. Boy, was I sweaty and smelly!

But luckily I’m now back to my home hotel room and waiting for my chamomile tea to be ready.

Ahh, what a blissful night.